Erwin Lopez

Erwin Lopez

Research Associate in Perception, Decision and Actions for HRI

University of Manchester


I am currently a Research Associate in The University of Manchester, working with Professor Guido Herrmann in topics of Perception, Decision and Control for HRI.

I got my PhD from University of Bristol in 2019, with my thesis called “Estimation and prediction of human behaviour using multi-modal physiologicalmeasurements and data-driven methods in human robot/vehicle interaction”.

I got my degree in mechatronics engineering from Universidad Nacional de Colombia in 2012, with my main work around embedded systems for robotics and visual servoing for mobile robots. I have worked on several research projects as an RA in topics of estimation, control, hardware-software integration and embedded systems for different application realms (e.g. data analyses and driving simulators, UAVs, fault detection for wind farms, wireless and control for nuclear plants).

My interest are around how autonomous systems such as robots can benefit humans. In particular the interaction between human and machine and the dynamic aspects of it (e.g. communication, understanding). Specific topics include control and estimation, machine learning, embedded devices, physiological sensors and integrating disciplines such as visual servoing and human robot interaction.


  • Machine Learning
  • Control
  • Robotics
  • Human-Robot Interaction
  • Machine Vision
  • Wireless Sensors
  • Embedded Systems


  • PhD in Mechanical Engineering, 2020

    University of Bristol

  • BSc in in Mechatroncs Engineering, 2012

    Universidad Nacional de Colombia

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Comparing Model-Based and Data-Driven Controllers for an Autonomous Vehicle Task

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Data-driven FDI for Wind Farms using W-SVM

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